Cue Command Line Tool

The python-cueclient can be used as a command line tool for accessing Cue API.


As with any OpenStack utility, python-cueclient requires certain information to talk to the REST API, username, password, auth url (from where the other required endpoints are retrieved once you are authenticated).

To provide your access credentials (username, password, tenant name or project_name) you can pass them on the command line with the --os-username, --os-password, --os-tenant-name or --os-project-name params, but it’s easier to just set them as environment variables:

export OS_USERNAME=<your_username>
export OS_PASSWORD=<your_password>
export OS_PROJECT_NAME=<project_name>

You will also need to define the authentication url with --os-auth-url or set is as an environment variable as well:

export OS_AUTH_URL=<url_to_openstack_identity>

Since Keystone can return multiple regions in the Service Catalog, you can specify the one you want with --os-region-name (or export OS_REGION_NAME). It defaults to the first in the list returned.

Using the command line tool

With enough details now in environment, you can use the cue client to create,list,show or delete cluster(s).

The Openstack Client can be called interactively by simply typing:


Cluster Create

Required fields for ‘create’ : name, network id , flavor and size.

(openstack) message-broker cluster create --name cluster_04 --nic 3dd26c0b-03f2-4d2e-ae87-c02d7f33c788 --flavor 2 --size 3
| Field       | Value                                |
| created_at  | 2015-02-17T18:25:28+00:00            |
| endpoints   | []                                   |
| flavor      | 2                                    |
| id          | 06d3c0e4-4972-4ca9-91c1-373b1c74e8e1 |
| name        | cluster_04                           |
| network_id  | 3dd26c0b-03f2-4d2e-ae87-c02d7f33c788 |
| size        | 3                                    |
| status      | BUILDING                             |
| updated_at  | 2015-02-17T18:25:28+00:00            |
| volume_size | None                                 |

Cluster Show

Required field for ‘show’ : cluster-id

(openstack) message-broker cluster show 06d3c0e4-4972-4ca9-91c1-373b1c74e8e1
| Field       | Value                                |
| created_at  | 2015-02-17T18:25:28+00:00            |
| endpoints   | []                                   |
| flavor      | 2                                    |
| id          | 06d3c0e4-4972-4ca9-91c1-373b1c74e8e1 |
| name        | cluster_04                           |
| network_id  | 3dd26c0b-03f2-4d2e-ae87-c02d7f33c788 |
| size        | 3                                    |
| status      | BUILDING                             |
| updated_at  | 2015-02-17T18:25:28+00:00            |
| volume_size | None                                 |

Cluster Delete

Required field for ‘delete’ : cluster-id

(openstack) message-broker cluster delete 06d3c0e4-4972-4ca9-91c1-373b1c74e8e1

Cluster List

(openstack) message-broker cluster list
| id                                   | name        | status   | flavor | size |
| 06d3c0e4-4972-4ca9-91c1-373b1c74e8e1 | cluster_04  | DELETING | 2      |    3 |
| 09fa2dc2-7ebb-423f-9726-f45b53f0df99 | cluster_02  | DELETING | 1      |    3 |
| 2d6a5359-2c45-44bb-baa9-3ccd2a48c217 | cluster_03  | BUILDING | 2      |    2 |


Here are the full list of subcommands:

subcommand Notes
message-broker cluster create Create Cluster
message-broker cluster delete Delete Cluster
message-broker cluster show Show Cluster
message-broker cluster list List Clusters